با سرعتی آرام، که شاید خواندن یک کتاب را به یک سال بکشاند این را می خوانم. هر جمله برایم شگفتیاست از بیان روحی عجیب. تجربه ای استثنایی و دانستن امکان وجود نبوغی بی نهایت در روحی که سالها پیش بر این زمین قدم زده.
یک جا نوشته
A method of purification: to pray to God, not only in secret as far as men are concerned, but with the thought that God does not exist. 1
But when God has become as full of significance as the treasure is for the miser, we have to tell ourselves insistently that he does not exist. We must experience the fact that we love him, even if he does not exist.
‘And when they had had their fill of tears’ ( Iliad ).—This is another way of making the worst suffering bearable. We must not weep so that we may not be comforted. 1 All suffering which does not detach us is wasted suffering.
باید بیشتر بخوانم و بنویسم درباره این وجود درخشان انسانی و درباره سیمون وی.